2D/3D Load Packer's
optimizer  based
batch EXE programs
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In some practice cases using of the Windows desktop optimizer like "2D/3D Load Packer" may be not well comfortable for the reason that it needs considerable manual actions in order to enter / import / export data, and so on.  If your input data can be created by any other ordering / inventory software system in form of common data/text files, it might be more suitable to process such input data by just one command of the operator or the other software.
'2D Batch Packer' (yn2d.exe)
2D Load Packer based batch processing program

'2D Batch Packer' (2DBP) is the 32/64-bit Windows executable program intended for 2D bin packing optimization in so called "batch processing" mode, that is intended for processing of 2D rectangular parts to pack data files without (or with just minimal) user manual interaction. Program can be started either in a common way by the user clicking, or launched to run by another application.  After being started, program reads some either predefined or user selected input files, extracts from them a task to process, resolves it and creates the resulting report files.

2D Batch Packer is intended for direct using in customer specific technologies.  Almost all working parameters and characteristics of this program are similar to those of '2D Load Packer' application (2DLP), and the best way to become acquainted with 2DBP is 2DLP online F1 Help learning. Below please find some examples of input / output files. 

'3D Batch Packer' (yn3d.exe)
3D Load Packer based batch processing program

'3D Batch Packer' (3DBP) is the 32/64-bit Windows executable program intended for 3D bin packing optimization in so called "batch processing" mode, that is intended for processing of 3D rectangular objects to pack data files without (or with just minimal) user manual interaction. Program can be started either in a common way by the user clicking, or launched to run by another application.  After being started, program reads some either predefined or user selected input files, extracts from them a task to process, resolves it and creates the resulting report files.

3D Batch Packer is intended for direct using in customer specific technologies.  Almost all working parameters and characteristics of this program are similar to those of '3D Load Packer' application (3DLP), and the best way to become acquainted with 3DBP is 3DLP online F1 Help learning. Below please find some examples of input / output files. 

To download 2D Batch Packer batch processing executable program demo pack, hit a link below: 

  ver. 2.11, rel. 2012-11-18     yn2d_exe.zip (211 KB)

To download 3D Batch Packer batch processing executable program demo pack, hit a link below: 

  ver. 2.11, rel. 2012-11-18     yn3d_exe.zip (220 KB)

Note: actual 2D/3D Batch Packers may be modified (with respect to above demo) to follow all later improvements of the base 2DLP/3DLP desktop solvers.

For 2D/3D Batch Packer program quotation, please contact us.


Examples of the  3D Batch Packer  batch processing program input / output files.

"Containers to load" input .txt file:

AvlQty    LoadWgt     Cost   Length   Width  Height   FillDir
   3       300        0.00     200     150    130       0
   3       200        0.00     170     130    110       0
   1       500        0.00     230     180    160       0

"Box set to pack" input .txt file:

TotQty    Weight      Cost   Length  Width  Height   TurnOn  OnSide  OnBack
   1       100        0.00     170     130     110      1      0       0
   1        80        0.00     160     120     100      1      0       1
   2        60        0.00     150     110      90      1      0       1
   2        40        0.00     140     100      80      1      0       0
   3        30        0.00     130      90      70      1      1       1
   3        20        0.00     120      80      60      1      1       1
   4        10        0.00     110      70      50      1      0       0

"Optimizer settings" input .txt file:

5   Optimizer Intensity  (0..20 - to force optimizer search intensity and run time)
555   Time Limit  (seconds, 1..30000)
1   Random Line  (1,2,3...999)
0   Weight Factor,%  (0..95 - to increase LoadWeight importance vs Volume Utilization)
0   Net Cost Factor,%  (0..100 - to increase resulting Net Cost importance)
0   Left Items Factor,%  (0..100 - to decrease non loaded items number)
0   Bind Group Factor (0..100 - forces optimizer to keep identical items together)
0   Item to Item Gap  (0..8000 - integer size units)
0   Item to Wall Gap  (0..8000 - integer size units)
0   Ignore Last Container switch (1/0 = On/Off)
0   Common Turn Rules (1/0 = On/Off)
1   Horiz.turn On (1/0 = On/Off)
0   On Side   (1/0 = On/Off)
0   On Back     (1/0 = On/Off)
100  Overhang Limit,%  (0..100, 100 means no any limit)
0   FloorMode (0..2, '0' - Normal Overhang, '1' - SameFloor, '2' - SameLength)
0  Reserved
0  Reserved
0  Reserved

"Container total load data" resulting report .txt file:

Cnt#  Group#  Boxes  Weight         Volume        Cost    %Wgt    %Vol

   1     1     6       130         3751000        0.00   43.33   96.18
   2     2     1       100         2431000        0.00   50.00  100.00
   3     3     6       230         6045000        0.00   46.00   91.26

"Box positions" resulting report .txt file:

Box#  Group#  Cnt#  Load#  PosX  PosY   PosZ   PutL   PutW   PutH

   1     1     2      1      0      0      0    170    130    110
   2     2     3      3    110      0      0    120    100    160
   3     3     3      1      0      0      0    110     90    150
   4     3     3      2      0     90      0    110     90    150
   5     4     0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
   6     4     0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
   7     5     1      1      0      0      0    130     90     70
   8     5     1      3    130      0      0     70     90    130
   9     5     0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
  10     6     1      5      0      0     70    120     80     60
  11     6     1      2      0     90      0    120     60     80
  12     6     1      4    120     90      0     80     60    120
  13     7     1      6      0     80     80    110     70     50
  14     7     3      4    110    100      0    110     70     50
  15     7     3      5    110    100     50    110     70     50
  16     7     3      6    110    100    100    110     70     50

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